Papa Roach - Dying To Believe, текст песни
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Papa Roach - Dying To Believe, текст песни

  • Опубликовано: 04.07.2023
  • Просмотров: 1
Песня в подборках: Альтернатива

Текст песни

Оригинал Перевод
Yeah, I'm dying to believe
That we're more alike than we think
That we're all the same underneath
Yeah, I'm dying to believe
That we're more alike than we think
And I'm dying, I'm dying to believe

(Dying to believe)

Feels like everybody got everybody up in a chokehold
And ain't nobody wanna let go
Always stuck in the prison
Are we losing our vision? Are we stuck in the past right now?
Building walls around our hearts
Six feet deep, but we can start
Digging down to nowhere now

Yeah, I'm dying to believe
That we're more alike than we think
That we're all the same underneath
Yeah, I'm dying to believe
That we're more alike than we think
And I'm dying, I'm dying to believe

(Dying to believe)

And we're point at the problem, but the problem is inside
The enemy isn't all that
Till we make a decision
Till we die in a vision
Separate and we all shut down
Building walls around our hearts
Six feet deep, but we can start
Digging down, we can't get out

Yeah, I'm dying to believe
That we're more alike than we think
That we're all the same underneath
Yeah, I'm dying to believe
That we're more alike than we think
And I'm dying, I'm dying to believe

You say all hope is gone
But I say, you're dead wrong

You say all hope is gone
But I say, you're dead wrong

Yeah, I'm dying to believe
That we're more alike than we think
That we're all the same underneath
Yeah, I'm dying to believe
That we're more alike than we think
And I'm dying, I'm dying to believe

(Dying to believe)
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