David Guetta, MORTEN - Permanence, текст песни
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David Guetta, MORTEN - Permanence, текст песни

  • Опубликовано: 04.07.2023
  • Просмотров: 0
Песня в подборках: Танцевальная музыка

Текст песни

Оригинал Перевод
I know the world is burning
But we still got a chance
I know that we can be impossible
Impossible, you and I

Impossible, you and I
Impossible, you and I

Close your eyes
In the bright lights
Can you see me in your mind like I see you
I remember
All the years gone by
As we're slipping into the ever-fading night

Listen to me now

I know the world is burning
But we still got a chance
I know that we can be impossible
Impossible, you and I

Even if we are hurting
We still got half a chance
I know that we can be impossible
Impossible, you and I

Impossible, you and I
Impossible, you and I

Even if we are hurting
We still got half a chance
I know that we can be impossible
Impossible, you and I
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Главная » Танцевальная музыка » David Guetta, MORTEN - Permanence, текст песни