Rameez - Bye Bye Summer, текст песни
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Rameez - Bye Bye Summer, текст песни

  • Опубликовано: 04.07.2023
  • Просмотров: 1
Песня в подборках: Танцевальная музыка

Текст песни

Оригинал Перевод
Pam Pam Pa Ra Pa Pa Pam
Pam Pam Pa Ra Pa Pa Pam
Pam Pam Pa Ra Pa Pa Pam
Pam Pa Ra Pa Pa Pam

I tried to keep my cool, the phone is always drained,
Then I missed my bus for the broken down crank.
They told me i should chill, sorry I can't
The story of my life, every day is the same.

‘Cause early in the morning, when I'm still yawning,
Please pull the curtains ‘cause the sun hurts my eyes.
I said myself is boring, winter is snowing,
Wish you were free like a bird in the sky!

Bye Bye Summer! I've really liked to dance every day,
Summer came and took my blues away!
Bye Bye Summer! Take a chance on me.
I hope to see you soon next year!

Bye Bye Summer! I've really liked to dance every day,
Summer came and took my blues away!
Bye Bye Summer! Take a chance on me.
I hope to see you soon next year!

On my way home, left my keys on the couch.
Damn boss told me work I should do when I'm house.
Complaining to my girl, she's stressing me out,
She told me I should chill, you gotta move out!

‘Cause early in the morning, when I'm still yawning,
Please pull the curtains ‘cause the sun hurts my eyes.
I said myself is boring, winter is snowing,
Wish you were free like a bird in the sky!

Bye Bye Summer! I've really liked to dance every day,
Summer came and took my blues away!
Bye Bye Summer! Take a chance on me.
I hope to see you soon next year!

Bye Bye Summer! I've really liked to dance every day,
Summer came and took my blues away!
Bye Bye Summer! Take a chance on me.
I hope to see you soon next year!

Bye Bye Summer! I've really liked to dance every day,
Summer came and took my blues away!
Bye Bye Summer! Take a chance on me.
I hope to see you soon next year!

Bye Bye Summer! I've really liked to dance every day,
Summer came and took my blues away!
Bye Bye Summer! Take a chance on me.
I hope to see you soon next year!

Bye Bye Summer! I've really liked to dance every day,
Summer came and took my blues away!
Bye Bye Summer! Take a chance on me.
I hope to see you soon next year!
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