iann dior, Travis Barker, Machine Gun Kelly - thought it was, текст песни
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iann dior, Travis Barker, Machine Gun Kelly - thought it was, текст песни

  • Опубликовано: 04.07.2023
  • Просмотров: 2
Песня в подборках: Hip-Hop

Текст песни

Оригинал Перевод
I lost my mind
Chasing a feeling in the hills at night
City of Angels, but it hurts sometimes
Finally made it, but it don't feel right
Don't feel like I thought it would

I've been on the graveyard shift
I got everything I wish, mm-da-da (Da-da)
Couple diamonds on my wrist
But I really miss my...
I've been crying inside, so you can't see my pain (Can't see my pain)
The high went away, and they all did the same (All did the same)
Broken heart that I can't stitch
All the money in the world can't fix this

I feel so alone in California
I got all these friends, don't even know one

I lost my mind (Lost my mind)
Chasing a feeling in the hills at night (Hills at night)
City of Angels, but it hurts sometimes (Hurts sometimes)
Finally made it, but it don't feel right (Don't feel right)
Don't feel like I thought it would

I'm by myself, in a room with a million faces
I can't find home, and I've been to a million places
All I've ever known was the black hole that I call my soul
This my last hope, before I let go
I can't breathe, I'm sinking low
So I use smoke to get high
I mean, I use this to hide
'Cause I'm not okay inside
I fight this every night, 'cause

I lost my mind (Lost my mind)
Chasing a feeling in the hills at night (Hills at night)
City of Angels, but it hurts sometimes (Hurts sometimes)
Finally made it, but it don't feel right (Don't feel right)
Don't feel like I thought it would

I lost my mind (Lost my mind)
Chasing a feeling in the hills at night (Hills at night)
City of Angels, but it hurts sometimes (Hurts sometimes)
Finally made it, but it don't feel right (Don't feel right)
Don't feel like I thought it would

Don't feel like I thought it would (T
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