INNA - Amazing | Lyrics
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INNA - Amazing | Lyrics

  • Опубликовано: 04.07.2023
  • Просмотров: 0
Песня в подборках: Lyrics | INNA

Текст песни

Оригинал Перевод
Dangerous feelings break out my soul
It's just the meaning of being alone
I need you here wherever you are
I need you now to take me so far
I wanna run like the speed of the sound
I was somewhere, I'm sure you're around
You give me now the meaning of life...

With you I'm feeling alive

Why you're lookin' like that
I'm burning like fire
I wanna be higher
Just let me know
Why you're lookin' like that
You're driving me crazy
You're lookin' amazing




Why you're lookin' like that
I'm burning like fire
I wanna be higher
Just let me know
Why you're lookin' like that
You're driving me crazy
You're lookin' amazing

Why you're lookin' like that
I'm burning like fire
I wanna be higher
Just let me know
Why you're lookin' like that
You're driving me crazy
You're lookin' amazing

Why you're lookin' like that
I'm burning like fire
I wanna be higher
Just let me know
Why you're lookin' like that
You're driving me crazy
You're lookin' amazing
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