Dennis Lloyd - The Way, Lyrics
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Текст песни исполнителя Dennis Lloyd. Если вы заметили опечатку в тексте, или хотите сообщить об ошибке, просто выделите слова и нажмите «CTRL+Enter». Вы также можете написать о ней в комментариях. Спасибо!

Dennis Lloyd - The Way, Lyrics

  • Опубликовано: 04.07.2023
  • Просмотров: 1
Песня в подборках: Lyrics | Поп-музыка

Текст песни

Оригинал Перевод
Do you wanna know what is on my mind?
I don't feel like I belong here lately
Want to leave it all, put it all behind
'Cause I feel like I am going crazy

I don't wanna lie, I don't wanna die
'Cause I'm scared to say goodbye to you, yeah
Spread my wings and fly, right above the sky
I'm just scared to say goodbye to you

So where can I go now?
What can I do now?
Where can I find it?
Who's gonna show me the way, the way?
So where can I go now?
What can I do now?
Where can I find it?
Who's gonna show me the way, the way?

So where can I go now?
What can I do now?
Where can I find it?
Who's gonna show me the way, the way?
So where can I go now?
What can I do now?
Where can I find it?
Who's gonna show me the way, the way?

I don't wanna lie, I don't wanna die
'Cause I'm scared to say goodbye to you, yeah
Spread my wings and fly, right above the sky
I'm just scared to say goodbye to you

Tryna figure it out, tryna look all around
I won't find it anywhere I'm looking for it
I don't want to become the one who can't overcome
So come save me, won't you come save me?

So where can I go now?
What can I do now?
Where can I find it?
Who's gonna show me the way, the way?
So where can I go now?
What can I do now?
Where can I find it?
Who's gonna show me the way, the way?

Tryna figure it out, tryna look all around
I won't find it anywhere I'm looking for it
I don't want to become the one who can't overcome
So come save me, won't you come save me?
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