Disturbed - Decadence, текст песни из игры Need for Speed: Most Wanted
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Disturbed - Decadence, текст песни из игры Need for Speed: Most Wanted

  • Опубликовано: 04.07.2023
  • Просмотров: 1
Песня в подборках: Метал

Текст песни

Оригинал Перевод
Say, yes, they know that you’ve hurt yourself another time
Don’t they know that you’re full of pain already?
Yes, they know that you’ve hurt yourself another time
Decadence isn’t easy, is it?
Yes, they know that you’ve hurt yourself another time
Don’t they know that you’re full of pain already?
Yes, they know that you’ve hurt yourself another time
Decadence isn’t easy

Then, you slowly recall all your mind
Why your soul’s gone cold and all hope has run dry
Dead inside
Never enough to forget that you’re one of the lonely
Slowly recall all your mind

Say, yes, they know that you’ve hurt yourself another time
Don’t they know that you’re full of pain already?
Yes, they know that you’ve hurt yourself another time
Decadence isn’t easy, is it?
Yes, they know that you’ve hurt yourself another time
Don’t they know that you’re full of pain already?
Yes, they know that you’ve hurt yourself another time
Decadence isn’t easy

Then, you slowly recall all your mind
Why your soul’s gone cold and all hope has run dry
Dead inside
Never enough to forget that you’re one of the lonely
Slowly recall all your mind

If I scare you now, don’t run from me
I’ve been hiding all my pain, you see?
Said, if I scare you now, don’t run from me
I’ve been hiding all my pain, you see?

Then, you slowly recall all your mind
Why your soul’s gone cold and all hope has run dry
Dead inside
Never enough to forget that you’re one of the lonely
Slowly recall all your mind

Say, yes, they know that you’ve hurt yourself another time
Don’t they know that you’re full of pain already?
Yes, they know that you’ve hurt yourself another time
Decadence isn’t easy, is it?
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Главная » Метал » Disturbed - Decadence, текст песни из игры Need for Speed: Most Wanted